Tag Archives: Teacher

Muddled Seasons

That blogging resolution I made didn’t last long.  The last time I posted, it was WINTER, and the ground was still covered with snow.  Things started getting crazy busy in March, and to be perfectly honest, I wasn’t feel very motivated to talk about anything school related outside of school. (Just one of those seasons of life.)

SPRING was consumed by my son’s first year of varsity tennis

and my daughter’s last few months of high school.

Banquets, concerts, graduation, parties, HER party, and then SUMMER was finally here.

 Finally, time to rest.  Rest involves walking the dogs twice a day.

Reading every night before bed.

Practicing my lettering over coffee.

Decorating my Erin Condren planner.

I had one week I went on three consecutive lunch/dinner dates with friends.

After the 4th of July, I started getting some ideas for my classroom. I have been in the same room for six years now, and it is starting to getting a little cluttered.

I decided to set a budget of $100 to revamp my classroom’s decor/vibe/aesthetic. I  figure if I’m going to have to be there, I need it to be a place a WANT to be.  It has been fun perusing Pinterest and Instagram and then bargain-shopping and up-cycling some random finds.

Look for more posts now that I’m back from a short trip down south to visit my cousin and her family.

Until then, enjoy your final weeks of summer vacation!